> 日英病理学会交流事業について(公募のお知らせ)
Japan-European Collaborative Award in Pathology 2011について
A sum of £5000 (£2,500 from each Society) がawardとして与えられます。
応募条件要領 - Two applicants are required and must be from two separate
institutions: one in Japan and the other in Europe.
- The lead applicant of the European partner must be a Member
of the Pathological Society, and the lead applicant from Japan
a member of the Japanese Society of Pathology.
- The closing date for applications is 15 April 2011 and must
be sent to: Japanese Society of Pathology, Executive Office:
E-mail: jsp-admin@umin.ac.jp Telephone: +81-3-5684-6886 Facsimile:
- The application must give a clear rationale for how the award
will promote collaborative scholarly activities such as research.
It must include a well developed plan of expenditure and how
the money will provide a basis, as seed corn, for meaningful
long term collaboration. Examples of possible applications might
include the support of a research fellow to travel from one
institution to the other for a period of research, or to support
travel costs, or the costs of exchange of samples. Evidence
for sustainability of the collaboration and mutual benefit are
- A 2 page A4 report of the collaborative activities must be
sent to the Deputy Administrator of the Pathological Society
of Great Britain and Ireland and the Secretariat of the Japanese
Society of Pathology one year after the award is made. Failure
to provide a report will preclude future support in this and
other schemes run by the two Societies.
- It is anticipated that the successful recipients would present
work at a future meeting of either the Pathological Society
of Great Britain and Ireland or the Japanese Society of Pathology.
- The two Societies will normally withdraw funding if the grant
is not acknowledged and accepted within 6 months of the offer.
応募書式 (MS-Word) ※参考:
東京都文京区本郷2-40-9 ニュー赤門ビル4F 社団法人日本病理学会事務局
日本病理学会事務局 :TEL 03-5684-6886 FAX 03-5684-6936
国際交流委員長(笹野公伸):TEL 022-717-7450 FAX 022-273-5976